Regional W12 selection policy

The following process is used to select regional W12 competing at the Waka Ama Sprint Nationals. It applies to both men and women.

Selection will be done by a selector, to be appointed by the Board. Selection is based on the following:

Step 1: The six paddlers in the W6 that wins the respective open 500m event at the Regional Sprint Champs gain a spot.

Step 2: Selection of the other paddlers will be based on the following:

  • Next 6 fastest times in 250 Dash race (across both J19 and Open dash races).
  • If there are still places to be filled (eg due to an insufficient number of paddlers competing in the dash events), additional paddlers will be selected based on the fastest times in the W1 500m event (across J19, Open and Master events)
  • If there are still places to be filled, then the decision for the selection of additional paddler(s) will be made by the selector based on any other relevant information.