Slight adjustment to per paddler fees

At its meeting in July 2022, the Hoe Tonga Board decided on a slight adjustment to the regional per paddler fees.

Up to now, Hoe Tonga has charged $15 for seniors, $8 for Juniors, and $0 for midgets. A key issue was identified where Hoe Tonga relies on the WANZ invoices to work out what to charge, and they don’t differentiate between midgets and intermediates.

Therefore, the Board agreed that for the new WANZ membership year starting 1 October 2022, a fee of $8 applies to J16-J19, and Midgets/Intermediates would be charged $4 per paddler. This means a cost reduction for intermediates, but an increase for midget paddlers. However, overall, those cost adjustments are expected to balance out.

Affiliation invoices sent out by the region will reflect the new fees from October 2022.